Laws of Logic

Double Negation

\(\neg \neg p \iff p\)

Disjunctive Syllogism

\((p \lor q) \land \neg p \implies q\)

Modus Ponens

\((p \rightarrow q) \land p \implies q\)

Modus Tollens

\((p \rightarrow q) \land (\neg q) \implies \neg p\)

Law of Contrapositive

\((p \rightarrow q) \iff (\neg q \rightarrow \neg p)\)

De Morgan's Laws

\(\neg(p \land q) \iff (\neg p \lor \neg q)\)

\(\neg(p \lor q) \iff (\neg p \land \neg q)\)

Distributive Laws

\((p \land (q \lor r)) \iff (p \land q)\lor(p \land r)\)

\((p \lor (q \land r)) \iff (p \lor q)\land(p \lor r)\)

  • Laws of Exponents
  • Laws of Logarithms
  • Laws of Logic
  • Matrix Determinant