Multiple Choice Selector Help


This app collect multiple choice responses from a group of selected users.

The app has two parts: Control End and Client Sides. The Control End provides controls a session and display results. The Client Sides submit responses.


Control End

When you start the Multiple Choice Selector app, you are at the Control End.

First choose the answer type and then enter a title (for example, "Exam Review Multiple Choice"). Once you are done, press the [Request Client Side Code/Link]

The control side has been set up. DO NOT close the control window, otherwise you will need to do it again. You will see a message like below after you pressed the [Request Client Side Code/Link] button.

Please send this link to your students to access the client side:
OR ask student to access and then enter the code: A1B2C3D4
Your session will be deactivated after two hours of inactivity. The author of the program is not responsible for any data lost.

Send the link or access code to your group users so that they can access the Client Side of the app.

Client Side

Group users can use the link given to access the Client Side of the app. Once the group users enter the Client Side, they will see the title you entered and the answer choices.

Users can then choose their responses here.

Control End

Click the [Get Current Result] to see results. You can also check the Auto-Update box to get result automatically. When done, press the [Reset] button to allow group users to submit answers for a new question.

Disclaimer: All the programs on this website are designed for educational purposes only. They are tested however mistakes and errors may still exist. By using these programs, you acknowledge that you are aware that the results from the programs may contain mistakes and errors and you are responsible for using these results. The author is not responsible for errors and results from these programs.