Simple Arithmetic Expression Solver Help


This app can be used to solve multiple simple arithmetic expressions (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, and power only) at once..


Enter the simple arithmetic expressions in the textbox, one expression per line.

the program currently only support five operations:
Addition: +
Subtraction: -
Multiplication: *
Division: /
Power: ^
Parentheses are allowed: (),[],{}; they have the same effects.



1+2*3 = 7
(3+7)^-2 = 0.01
(8-3)/8 = 0.625

Disclaimer: All the programs on this website are designed for educational purposes only. They are tested however mistakes and errors may still exist. By using these programs, you acknowledge that you are aware that the results from the programs may contain mistakes and errors and you are responsible for using these results. The author is not responsible for errors and results from these programs.